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When It Feels Like Life Is Falling Apart.
It’s actually falling together.
When we grow and evolve we can start to question if we are doing things right or feel like things are happening to us, today, I want to explore the idea of when it feels like life is falling apart but why?
This last year has seen many changes in my life in ways I couldn’t imagine, and I have seen that reflected in my clients too, and there is something we have all noticed and shared through this. When we grow and evolve, it can also feel like life is simultaneously falling apart.
We are heading to a point where we are no longer physical manifesting physical but vibrations and energy attracting the same frequencies and this is happening whether we are conscious of it or not. This also means that things fall away that are no longer a vibrational, match, and that’s OK.
It’s an essential part of the manifesting process, as well as evidence that manifestation is happening in your life. It’s evidence that the universe has your back, an important part of it is the falling away of things that are no longer a vibrational match and creating space for the things that do align to this new frequency.
The universe does not see ‘good’ or ‘bad’, especially in the way we see it in our humanness it just sees expansion, it just sees clarity and connection to…